Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is the next step in the ESA process, and includes the collection and analysis of soil and groundwater samples to evaluate the presence and extent of potential environmental contamination at a property. This assessment is typically conducted after a Phase II ESA has identified potential sources of contamination on or near the property.
During a Phase II ESA, S2S Environmental will conduct a detailed investigation of the property, including collecting samples by drilling soil borings and installing groundwater monitoring wells. These samples are then analyzed by an independent certified laboratory to determine the presence and concentrations of environmental contaminants such as petroleum hydrocarbons, volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds, metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), etc.
The results of a Phase II ESA (and any supplemental assessments, as required) are used to determine the extent of contamination to develop a plan for remediation of the property.
S2S Environmental has conducted numerous Phase II ESAs at a variety of properties including heavy industrial, commercial (including dry-cleaning sites), multi-residential properties, as well as development sites (including both greenfield and brownfield properties).
Our expertise and attention to detail provides our clients with customized investigations tailored to meet their requirements.